
The Caldwell-West Caldwell Soccer Club (CWC) is an independent, nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to the development of youth soccer in Caldwell and West Caldwell. Our charter is to provide an opportunity for girls, boys and young adults of all abilities and interests to participate in the playing of the world’s most popular sport, SOCCER.

The goal of the Travel Program is to provide the best soccer development experience for our children so they can reach their maximum potential. To attain this objective, the program aims to instill an atmosphere of Enthusiasm and Appreciation for the sport of soccer, to promote good sportsmanship, and to develop the Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Psychological attributes necessary to be quality soccer players


U14 Boys and Girls Tryouts Have Changed to the OVAL

About Us

CWC Soccer Club

P.O. Box 1051
West Caldwell, NJ 07007
Monthly board meetings are generally held on the 2nd WEDNESDAY 8pm of each month.
Our meetings are open to the public, and anyone wishing to
become more involved are encouraged to attend.

Title Name Phone
President Eddie Hreniuk (973) 403-8812
Vice President
Immediate Past President Steve Alperin (973) 650-0179
Treasurer Lucy Canavale
Recording Secretary MaryJo Buoye
League Contact Chris Pace
Registrar Kathy Pace
Training Director Open
Clinic Director(s) Kris Brown
Fields Director Jeff Knapp
Uniforms Director Geri Mihalik (973) 226-7034
Indoor Soccer Director Lisa Rubin (973) 226-6150
Web Master Steve Caracappa (973) 364-1386
Member at Large Mary Caracappa (973) 364-1386
Member at Large Donna Machi